Junior Does
SilverFire Bad Reputation
Rep is a young powerhouse of a doe many years in the making. She is built tremendously wide and long with rock solid feet and legs for her frame. Rep's sire, SilverFire Ray Wylie, brought all his power to her pedigree, while her dam, 2D Delao Roll Like Chicklets, brought all her femininity to the table. Rep stepped into he showing in July of 2020 her first time and walked out with her Grand Champion and restricted leg soundly tucked into her belt.
SilverFire Persistence Pays
We are excited for the promise this young daughter out of SilverFire Midnight Montgomery 1*M and DKGH Eve's Most Wanted Everson is showing. Pest went Reserve Grand at her first ring out at 5 months old. Her second show ring performance gained her a Grand Champion rosette and her restricted leg at 8 months old. We look forward to more growth and maturity on this incredibly open, strong doeling.
SilverFire Out in the Storm
This little red pistol sure knows she's special. A repeat breeding, we even retained her littermate brother, DAC, for the herd as well for a time. Storm's dam, SilverFire Hurry Up'N Wait 2*M, has proven herself invaluable for work ethic and ease of milking and Storm is the final live cover daughter from our beloved SilverFire Jackson T. Storm earned her restricted leg her first show out, in her first ring, at a young and teeny 4 months old!
SilverFire Hollywood
When you have the style and class and eye appeal this young doe has how do you name her anything but Hollywood? She was a family favorite the day SilverFire Gypsy 2*M kidded to DKGH Eve's Most Wanted Everson. Hollywood shows so much promise in her dairy frame and has such a naturally high open escutcheon we are excited to watch her mature.